Small Group
For the person looking for individualized attention along with the support of their peers, Donna's Home Fitness offers Small Group Personal Training. Usually in groups of 2-4 individuals, Small Group Personal Training may be more of an economical alternative to Individual Personal Training. Small Group Personal Training can be held in your home or in Donna Anderson's home in south Naperville. create your own group or inquire about others who are interested in forming a group.
$115 per hourly session (divided by the number of participants)
Donna's Home Fitness offers Individual Personal Training services in the privacy of Donna Anderson's home in south Naperville or your home. One of the benefits of Individual Personal Training is there is no waiting for others, no distractions, and you get 100% of the trainer's attention. Typically, we work out twice a week with guidance on what you should be doing on your own the other days, depending on individual circumstances. Sessions last one hour in length. Workouts vary from person to person and are based on your goals (weight loss, core work, increase strength, become faster, participate in or improve triathalon time, or other sports specific training).
$85 per session, sold in packages of 12 sessions ($1,020)
In-home Visits
In-home visits are offered at an additional fee, based on travel time, for either Small Group Personal Training or Individual Personal Training. We can work with the equipment you have in your home. In addition, your personal trainer may bring portable equipment, including dumbbells, stability balls, resistance bands, etc...
Online Virtual Training
Grab a group of friends from anywhere in the world or participate individually. Live personal training in your own home, office or community gym! Workout while your kids are sleeping or busy playing, quick lunchtime workout while working from home, keep up with your workouts while traveling, utilize your own equipment, scaled workouts to meet you where you are at! Contact Donna at donna@donnashomefitness.com for more information.
30 minute session = $45
60 minute session = $85
Valerie Aguilar
While working out with Donna, I lost 93 lbs over two years. I then became pregnant and continued to work out throughout my pregnancy. I was able to participate in two 5K's while pregnant.! After my post-delivery 6 weeks check up I'm back to working out with Donna and it feels really good!